Tag: Open Source

Linux Out Loud 41

41: Single Board Power

This week, Linux Out Loud chats about low-power device options. Welcome to episode 41 of Linux Out Loud. We fired up our mics, connected those

57: Open Source Contributions

Bill, Brandon, and Neal get together to expand on why corporate contributions to open source matter and the unintended benefits or consequences. Make sure to

Linux Out Loud 40

40: Cliche November

This week, Linux Out Loud chats about what Open Source Projects We are thankful for having. Welcome to episode 40 of Linux Out Loud. We

Linux Out Loud 39

39: Tech Bug-Out-Bag

This week, Linux Out Loud chats about what is in your apocolyse ready tech bag. Welcome to episode 39 of Linux Out Loud. We fired

56: Virtualization Revisited

Bill joins Brandon to talk about Virtualization and Containers Episode Links Harvester – https://harvesterhci.io/OKD – https://okd.ioKubeVirt – https://kubevirt.io/Podman – https://podman.ioProxmox – https://proxmox.comoVirt – https://ovirt.orgXCP-NG –

Linux Out Loud 38

38: Crackin’ Passwords

This week, Linux Out Loud chats about how variety is the spice of Linux. Welcome to episode 38 of Linux Out Loud. We fired up