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On this episode of This Week in Linux, we’re going to be talking about some new releases from Firefox and Darktable. We’ve got a bunch of Distro News this week related to Manjaro, Mabox Linux, LibreELEC, Clonezilla, NuTyX, and Arya Linux. Then we’re going to talk about what the Open Source community is doing to help fight the COVID-19 virus. Later in the show, we’ll look at the security issues found for AMD and Intel hardware. Then we’ll finish out the show with some great deals in the latest Humble Bundles. All that and much more on Your Weekly Source for Linux GNews!
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Segment Index
- 01:05 = Sponsored by Digital Ocean · [do.co/dln]
- 02:33 = Firefox 74 Released · [mozilla.org]
- 07:20 = Darktable 3.0.1 Released · [darktable.org]
- 10:41 = Open Source is Helping Fight COVID-19 · [Links: foldingathome.org, forbes.com, krebsonsecurity.com, jogl.io]
- 15:21 = Manjaro on Pinebook Pro + More · [Links: pine64.org, forbes.com]
- 18:40 = Mabox Linux 20.02 Released · [maboxlinux.org]
- 20:26 = LibreELEC 9.2.1 Released · [libreelec.tv]
- 23:45 = Sickness Update: I’m Good, Mostly · [tuxdigital.com]
- 25:10 = TuxDigital & TWinL on LBRY · [tuxdigital.com/lbry]
- 26:41 = LBRY CEO Interview on Destination Linux · [destinationlinux.org/episode-164]
- 28:59 = Become a Patron of TuxDigital & TWinL · [tuxdigital.com/contribute]
- 30:47 = Clonezilla Live 2.6.5-21 Released · [sourceforge.net]
- 32:45 = NuTyX 11.4 Released · [nutyx.org]
- 34:59 = AryaLinux 2.4 Released · [aryalinux.info]
- 37:28 = AMD’s ‘Take A Way’ Security Issue · [zdnet.com]
- 41:00 = Intel’s LVI Security Issue · [Links: lviattack.eu, phoronix.com]
- 48:14 = Humble Bundles: Games & Books · [Links: humble-just-drive, humble-coding-starter-kit-no-starch-press-books, humble-learn-to-code-bundle, humble-tech-job-for-dummies-2-books, humble-business-intel-packt-books]
- 53:21 = Outro
Thanks for this @MichaelTunnell - especially good to hear you’re now 95% recovered
I’m looking forward to the Firefox flatpaks when they are released. Currently Debian’s conservative approach ships Firefox ESR which does tend to lag behind in features and I don’t really like snaps because of how they seem to clutter the file system.
I think distributed software using people’s spare clock-cycles (such as foldingathome) is a pretty good idea and hope people can find ways of contributing through it.
Although my budget currently excludes even knock-down priced hardware like the Pinebook Pro I am very excited to hear that such a popular mainstream distro and DE will be standard on that model
I know LFS is a bit out-there for most people, but my thread on the forum does still encourage discussion of builds of this. Maybe if people are isolated a lot in our times, they might give LFS a go?
With regard to hardware vulnerabilities I’m not sure if the ones you cover overlap with or are alternative names for Intel CSME Bug vulnerabilities, which sounded disastrous to me when I first learned of them some weeks ago. Apparently Intel Microcode includes a computer within a computer (basically an 80486 running Minix) which has had vulnerabilities found in it that can severely impact cryptography done in the device
I haven’t looked into this in detail, but if you do, I’d certainly appreciate your insights!
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