65: Immutable File Systems

This week, Linux Out Loud chats about yay or nay for immutable file systems.

Welcome to episode 65 of Linux Out Loud. We fired up our mics, connected those headphones as we searched the community for themes to expound upon. We kept the banter friendly, the conversation somewhat on topic, and had fun doing it.

00:00:00 Introduction
00:03:27 Graphics Tablets
00:11:51 Framework Laptop
00:16:15 Torx Screws
00:22:37 Immutable File Systems
00:46:55 3D Printer Update
00:54:13 Solar Down
00:57:33 Game of the Week
01:04:21 Close

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  • Game of the Week- Nile

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Matt (Twitter @MattTDN)
Wendy (Mastodon @WendyDLN)
Nate (Website CubicleNate.com)

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Notable Replies

  1. Great episode (again!). This immutable stuff will get you a lot of remarks :rofl: My two cents: they are a great concept, super for developers (install tons of DE’s in distroboxes and your personal environment stays very clean. I tried a lot of them (Kinoite, MicroOS, Silver blue etc). Also great for mass deployment or inexperienced users. But I think for now containerized applications will have a much bigger impact on Linux (if they solve some of the mentioned issues of course). How about the distro underneath becoming irrelevant? I just need a platform to run the latest applications on, in Flatpak. And a DE, for me KDE. Whether that’s Debian, Suse or Arch is for personal choice, but basically wayyyy less relevant now. Keep on tuxing!

  2.     __  ___      __  __     ________    ____
       /  |/  /___ _/ /_/ /_   / ____/ /   /  _/
      / /|_/ / __ `/ __/ __/  / /   / /    / /
     / /  / / /_/ / /_/ /_   / /___/ /____/ /
    /_/  /_/\__,_/\__/\__/   \____/_____/___/

    This time on @mattdln’s CLI corner, he’s back into the terminal with nile!

    Peering into the mind of our digital pharaoh we learn about nile. A Linux native Amazon Games client for managing and playing games from Amazon:

    Trust Matt to know about a terminal application that esoteric!


    ^ Rumored to be a screenshot of Matt’s desktop, Dwarven Fortress livestream confirmed!?!?

    Stay tuned for more CLI tips from the ASCII king himself… and remember! You can’t spell CLI without avoiding every letter in Matt.

  3. Hey Guys, The immutable OS segment on 162 was great. I especially liked hearing about Btrfs. More and more I’m thinking of Btrfs as the ‘poor man’s immutable OS’. If someone can be disciplined and take regular snapshots before and after all OS updates and app installs, then they have a kind of immutable OS. I recently found an easy way to work with Btrfs snapshots on Fedora so I may switch soon. Thanks for all the great content! Luv ya! :slightly_smiling_face:

  4. With a song like ‘Whiskey and Vim’ playing in the background, we can expect anything happening :rofl:

  5. Um so many levels of NO to the Dwarven Fortress livestream, and the only way my desktop EVER looks like that is if I am jokingly using eDEX-UI.

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