182: Exciting FlatHub, Wine 7.0, SUSE Liberty Linux, Linux Mint, AppIndicators

On this episode of This Week in Linux, Exciting FlatHub Updates In Store, New AppIndicator Protocol?, SUSE Announces SUSE Liberty Linux, Framework to Open Source Firmware, Linux Mint 20.3 Edge ISO, in App News: Wine 7.0, FFMPEG 5.0, Qprompt 1.0, Flameshot 11.0, Czkawka 4.0, and Mumble 1.4. All that and much more on Your Weekly Source for Linux GNews!

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Notable Replies

  1. The best case for stereo audio in Mumble is when combined with the new listener feature, you can have different rooms on the left or right. So you know which room you’re hearing.

  2. Oh that is a cool idea how to use those together! :smiley:

  3. Thanks, @MichaelTunnell - enjoyed this, as ever!

    Some very good ideas for flathub, that I’m pleased about. Besides which Czkawka is not on Debian distros but looks like worth trying from flathub :+1:

    I quite liked Mumble when I tried it briefly for the DLN room a while back. I think that’s been moved over to Matrix though, perhaps? I should visit our Matrix room soon too!

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