164: elementary OS 6, Debian 11, SDL, Thunderbird 91, KDE Gear, DXVK Native

On this episode of This Week in Linux, wve check out the latest releases of elementary OS 6, Debian 11, SDL 2.0.16, DXVK Native, KDE Gear 21.08, Thunderbird 91, Mozilla Common Voice Technology, Polychromatic, Ardour 6.9, ExpressVPN Opens Up Lightway VPN Protocol. All that and much more on Your Weekly Source for Linux GNews!

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Notable Replies

  1. Thanks, @MichaelTunnell - a lot of great news this week! Also thanks @dasgeek - I didn’t know you were featured in this episode - hilarious!

    Being a Debian-lad myself, coming up to 10 years now, almost, Buster’s my fave news of the week. It’s already purring along very nicely on my most-used machines!

    Thunderbird, KDE Gear etc. all excellent news. Also pleased about the VPN opening source. I didn’t know anything about SDL and DXVK prior to watching today, so thanks for sharing :slight_smile:

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