Unboxing the first smartphone designed for Linux, the PinePhone from Pine64! I have been waiting for a company to make a smartphone designed for Linux for so long I can’t even remember, at least 10 years, and we are now there with the PinePhone from Pine64. I can’t wait to dig into this and play with all the awesome operating systems that support this phone so look out for more videos in the future but for now, here’s the unboxing and my first impressions of the device. 😀


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PINEPHONE ►► https://pine64.com/product-category/pinephone/
postmarkert OS PINEPHONE on FRONT PAGE LINUX ►► https://frontpagelinux.com/news/new-pinephone-with-3gb-of-ram-and-usb-convergence-dock/
MANJARO PINEPHONE on FRONT PAGE LINUX ►► https://frontpagelinux.com/news/the-next-pinephone-has-been-revealed-manjaro/
THIS VIDEO on FRONT PAGE LINUX ►► https://frontpagelinux.com/videos/unboxing-pinephone-from-pine64/


Other Videos:
6 Cool Things You Didn’t Know About Linux’s History: https://youtu.be/u9ZY41mNB9I
How To Use Firefox’s Best Feature, Multi-Account Containers: https://youtu.be/FfN5L5zAJUo
Linux Explained – How Some Distros Are Based On Other Distros: https://youtu.be/OWk3D6x64tk
7 Reasons Why Firefox Is My Favorite Web Browser: https://youtu.be/bGTBH9yr8uw


Description tags, yo: smartphone, android alternative, mobile, pine64

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