Episode 88 | This Week in Linux

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On this episode of This Week in Linux, Linux Kernel 5.4 was released and Google says they want the .Android kernel closer to the mainline Linux kernel. We’ll also take a look at some Legal News with the United States’ FTC vs YouTube regarding content For Kids vs Family-Friendly content. Bytecode Alliance was formed to push forward the WebAssembly technology, System76 announced they will be starting to work on building laptops in-house. We’ve got a lot of new releases this week with IPFire, Kodi entertainment center, HandBrake, MPV media player, Brave browser, and a new game from Valve related to Half Life. Later in the show, we’ll check out a cool Humble Bundle for Cybersecurity plus a Music & Sound Effects Bundle. All that and much more on Your Weekly Source for Linux GNews!

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Notable Replies

  1. @MichaelTunnell Thanks, Michael for a jam-packed episode! Mixed feelings about Android / Linux kernel. I guess Google must have had practical reasons for making so many changes initially. The way their whole firm works though makes me wonder if they have much long-term strategising or if they just dive head-first into things the way it excites them to do, given how much they back-track… Very annoying news, clearly about their handling of situation with youtube too. I certainly hope it doesn’t affect content here…

    I have to say I’ve never liked JavaScript, especially when developers seemed to want to use it as a general-purpose language instead of just for basic scripting. WebAsm does provide far greater speed, though I wonder what they’re doing that’s that different from how Java applets used to work (which have recently been completely deprecated by Oracle) as it sounds like Microsoft trying to bring .NET as a runtime environment for the web also seems similar.

    I’m not a huge gamer, but I do remember how famous the original half-life was… must be about twenty years ago now, so interesting news about this sequel :slight_smile:

  2. Hey Michael I think I found place that twil can’t be found: gpodder.

  3. Thanks, will look into it but that would be weird lol

  4. I once made a nice how-to somewhere for mplayer. Mpv is based on it. I could do the same here when I find some time but I have nothing against @MichaelTunnell doing a special episode about it. I love mpv.

  5. I do plan to make a video about MPV, thank you very much for reminding me about this! Added to my list for upcoming videos. :smiley:

    If you want to go ahead and make a tutorial about MPV and put it here = Tutorials - TuxDigital Forum

    that would be cool and I might reference it for my video if that’s good with you. :sunglasses:

Continue the discussion at forum.tuxdigital.com

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