Episode 87 | This Week in Linux

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On this episode of This Week in Linux, Pine64 announces the pre-orders for the PinePhone are coming this week! AMD Announces Latest Threadripper & Ryzen 9 CPUs. We’ve got the results from the openSUSE Name Change vote. In Distro News, Ubuntu pledges support for Raspberry Pis, elementary OS Adds Flatpak Support, and we got new releases from KaOS and Chrome OS. Microsoft confirms that their Edge browser is coming to Linux. Linus Torvalds was interviewed recently where he declared he is ‘Not a Programmer Anymore’, we’ll take a closer look at that. In Linux Gaming News, Steam releases beta support for Containers in Steam for Linux. Google Reveals Stadia Launch Games and further info on the service. We also got some really interesting news from Valve where they might launch their own Stadia competitor called “Steam Cloud Gaming”. All that and much more on Your Weekly Source for Linux GNews!

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  1. @MichaelTunnell Thanks again, Michael. Really enjoyed this! I have to say I’ve not found myself as enthused about any firm in recent times as I am about Pine64. I think they’re doing sterling work and I sincerely hope they continue succeeding, especially in light of their direct, honest and open approach. It’s been an age since I tutored the basics of hardware design to undergraduates though the news of the PinePhone schematics being open, and AMD’s massively multi-core new processor does whet my appetite to consult some of the newer editions of texts by the likes of Hennessy and Patterson to see what advances are reported in parallel computer architectures, for example. I’m not a gamer myself, but I do I agree with your regarding Valve and Steam. From the number of times Google have “closed shop” as it were on services I don’t think I’d find their offering enticing at all if I were a gamer… Good to read Ubuntu officially supporting the Pi4, though I have to say I’d really like official support from vanilla Debian, which is my favourite OS :slight_smile:

  2. You’re welcome, I’m glad you enjoyed the show. :smiley:

    I agree about Pine64, it’s been a very long time since I was geniunely excited about what a company was doing without having glaring issues. I am excited for AMD as well but there are some big issues still. Pine64 on the other hand has been in the fan zone pretty much completely. :slight_smile:

    Debian already supports ARM but I am not sure about their specific support for Raspberry Pis though Pis do ship with Raspbian as the default. So maybe it already is available, I’m not sure.

  3. LOL that’s great . . . I randomly helped people discover a word I didn’t know existed :smiley:

  4. What about the trusty Shamwow?

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