Episode 85 | This Week in Linux

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On this episode of This Week in Linux, we have a jam packed episode with BIG releases from Ubuntu, KDE Plasma, antiX 19, RPM and more. We’ve also got some really interesting news from a BSD based project that is migrating to Linux. We’ll also cover an interesting security topic regarding SUDO that has been making the rounds recently. Samsung announced the end of Linux on DeX and Google finally is releasing AMP to the community. Later in the show we’ll check out a really cool Linux client for Playstation 4 Remote Play and some new Humble Bundles. All that and much more on Your Weekly Source for Linux GNews!

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Segment Index

Test if you are affected but the sudo vulnerability:
sudo grep -r '!\s*root\>' /etc/sudoers /etc/sudoers.d/ | grep -v '^\s*#'

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Notable Replies

  1. I do wonder what is going on with BitChute. Last This Week in Linux was posted October 5.
    There are a lot of others who grab their videos off YouTube on a daily basis, and they are up like clockwork.
    Maybe a complaint to them is in order.


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