Episode 29 | This Week in Linux

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On this episode of This Week in Linux, we got some big distro releases from openSUSE, Linux Lite, CRUX and Knoppix as well as some beta releases for Linux Mint and Bodhi Linux. The new Atari VCS is now available for Pre-Order on Indiegogo. LXQt released the 0.13.0 version the desktop environment. The EU’s General Data Protection Regulation went into affect this week. Thunderbolt Networking is now available in NetworkManager. systemd announced a new interesting container like feature called Portable Services. Then we’ll take a look at some interesting Security News and later some rather unfortunate news from Huawei. All that and much more!

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Segment Index

  • 00:53 = TuxDigital at SELF Announcement
  • 03:59 = openSUSE Leap 15 Released · [link]
  • 07:17 = LXQt 0.13.0 Released · [link]
  • 08:42 = Nautilus Executing Binaries and Scripts · [Links: 1, 2]
  • 10:25 = EU’s General Data Protection Regulation · [link]
  • 13:29 = Betas for Linux Mint 19 & Bodhi 5.0 · [Links: 1, 2]
  • 15:21 = Atari VCS on Indiegogo · [link]
  • 20:11 = TextSuggest – Text Expansion · [link]
  • 23:15 = Cryptominer Found in Snap Store · [link]
  • 27:18 = Thunderbolt Networking in NetworkManager · [link]
  • 29:17 = Slipstream – Retro-inspired Racer · [link]
  • 31:09 = CRUX 3.4 & Knoppix 8.2 Released · [Links: 1, 2]
  • 32:33 = Linux Lite 4.0 Released · [link]
  • 34:09 = Ubuntu 18.10 Desktop Plans · [link]
  • 36:02 = Systemd Introduces “Portable Services” · [link]
  • 36:59 = Huawei Announcements = Cool then Awful · [Links: 1, 2]
  • 39:10 = FBI Says To Reboot Your Router · [link]
  • 42:26 = #eFail Vulnerability · [link]
  • 44:45 = Purism Announces PureKey · [link]
  • 46:14 = Outro

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