Episode 28 | This Week in Linux

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On this episode of This Week in Linux, check out some big distro release news from Fedora, CentOS, CoreOS, KaOS and more. There’s new versions of Firefox, Kdenlive, GNOME and Cinnamon available. Lubuntu announces their switch to LXQt by default. If you’re interested in learning Python, Humble Bundle has a great Python Development bundle available. Ubuntu 18.10’s codename was announced and some of the Ubuntu Flavours might be dropping support for 32bit ISOs in the 18.10 cycle. Google confirmed that Linux Apps are coming to ChromeOS. Then later in the show we’ll look at some gaming news from Atari and Valve, also some mobile news from Puri.sm and Android. All that and much more!

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Segment Index

  • 00:54 = Fedora 28 Released · [link]
  • 03:39 = Firefox 60 released · [link]
  • 04:43 = Kdenlive 18.04.1 Released · [link]
  • 05:59 = Humble Software Bundle: Python Dev Kit · [link]
  • 07:47 = GNOME 3.28.2 Released · [Links: 1, 2, 3]
  • 10:59 = Cinnamon 3.8 Released · [link]
  • 13:11 = CentOS Linux 7.5 Released · [link]
  • 14:54 = Plan for Merging CoreOS into Red Hat · [link]
  • 16:03 = Confirmed: Linux Apps on Chromebooks · [link]
  • 18:03 = KaOS 2018.04 Released · [link]
  • 20:04 = Lubuntu: LXQt by Default in 18.10 · [Links: 1, 2]
  • 21:27 = Canonical Corner · [Links: 1, 2, 3, 4]
  • 26:11 = Atari VCS Pre-Orders Date · [link]
  • 28:10 = Valve Admits Steam Hardware Survey Flaw · [Links: 1, 2]
  • 31:27 = System76 vs. LVFS · [Links: 1, 2]
  • 34:20 = Librem 5’s GNOME Mobile UI Shell · [link]
  • 36:09 = Android P News & Updates · [link]
  • 38:55 = Microsoft Attacking Competition via Patent Trolls? · [link]
  • 41:36 = OpenAPS: Open-Source Artificial Pancreas System · [Links: 1, 2]
  • 45:06 = Outro

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