203: Linus Torvalds at Open Source Summit, Manjaro 21.3, AMD, KDE, Steam Summer Sale and more Linux news

On this episode of This Week in Linux: Linus Torvalds Fireside Chat at Open Source Summit, Manjaro Linux 21.3.0, Steam Summer Sale, Help Shape the Future of KDE, Flameshot 12.0, Dooit Terminal Task / To-do Manager, FidelityFX Super Resolution (FSR) 2.0 Open Sourced by AMD, NoiseTorch 0.12.2, Zoom Now Supports Screensharing On Wayland, all that and much more on Your Weekly Source for Linux GNews!

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  • 00:00 = Welcome to TWIL 203
  • 00:36 = On location and reason for no Live recording this week 😀
  • 01:49 = Linus Torvalds Fireside Chat at Open Source Summit
  • 05:39 = Manjaro Linux 21.3.0 Released
  • 06:57 = Steam Summer Sale
  • 07:52 = DigitalOcean: Cloud Services ( https://do.co/tux2022 )
  • 09:05 = Help Shape the Future of KDE
  • 11:14 = Flameshot 12.0 Released
  • 13:35 = Dooit Terminal Task / To-do Manager
  • 15:30 = Bitwarden Password Manager ( https://bitwarden.com/tux )
  • 17:05 = FidelityFX Super Resolution (FSR) 2.0 Open Sourced by AMD
  • 19:07 = NoiseTorch 0.12.2 Released
  • 20:57 = Zoom Now Supports Screensharing On Wayland
  • 21:55 = Outro

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Notable Replies

  1. Thanks, @MichaelTunnell. I’ve been having to use Zoom lately (for work, otherwise I prefer Jitsi). Strangely using Ubuntu (20.04, also for work; still Debian for my personal stuff) I seemed to find Zoom is a lot better in its flatpak version than it’s snap version. Not sure why.

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