On this episode of This Week in Linux, we check out some Distro News about Debian 11 Bullseye, CentOS Hyperscale, Nest With Fedora and Kaisen Linux. Then we’ll revisit the Audacity Saga as it continues. Later in the show, we’ll take a look at Adobe’s announcement about joining the Blender Development Fund and Netflix may be getting into Video Game streaming service. Then in App News, we’ve got new releases from Handbrake, WordPress, CudaText, and Nativefier. All that and so much more coming up on episode 161 of This Week in Linux, recorded live on July 24, 2021. Your Weekly Source for Linux GNews!
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Segment Index
- 00:00 = Welcome to TWIL 161
- 01:29 = Debian 11.0 Bullseye Release Date
- 02:35 = CentOS Hyperscale Experimental LiveISOs
- 04:50 = Adobe Joins Blender Development Fund
- 08:08 = DigitalOcean: Managed MongoDB ( https://do.co/dln-mongo )
- 09:24 = Audacity Saga Continues
- 19:25 = Netflix Getting Into Video Games?
- 21:10 = Nest With Fedora on August 5-7
- 22:20 = Firewalld 1.0 Released
- 24:07 = Bitwarden Password Manager ( https://bitwarden.com/dln )
- 26:32 = Kaisen Linux 1.7 Released
- 27:29 = Handbrake 1.4.0 Released
- 29:33 = CudaText: Open Source SublimeText Alternative
- 32:08 = Nativefier 45.0 Released
- 33:47 = WordPress 5.8 Released
- 37:37 = Outro
Love the Thelio Mega and now Hyperscale voice, has to be a point of pride because that voice is earned!
I checked out the front page of CudaText and the first image shows a “Rep global” button for global find and replace. That’s literally my #1 point of contention with Atom and Sublime Text that this isn’t quick and easy compared to
and Notepad++. Will need to check it out.lol I forgot I did it for the Thelio Mega. That’s 3 that have earned the movie trailer voice then when you add in Threadripper.
I think CudaText is certainly worth some investigation but Sublime Text has that too with Ctrl+Shift+F . . . Sublime is pretty awesome which is why I am excited for an alternative to it that is open source.
Thanks, Michael - excellent show, as usual. I second admiration of your potential Hollywood-trailer-voice-over skills
I am truly excited to hear Debian 11’s due soon. It’s been my daily driver … since version seven I think! In any case, I’ll still try to discipline myself to not upgrade all my machines on the day it’s released. I think generally wiser to wait a few days just in case there are any teething problems with updates.
CudaText does sound pretty-good. I’m currently using Kate for everyday work, since switching to Plasma as I was finding vim kept crashing (in my terminal under GNOME). Surprised to see Pascal still being used, though I have fond memories of it being the first structured programming language I learned, and also the precursor to Modula-2, the first imperative language I was taught in college.
As far as Audacity goes, can’t wait for the flatpak of the fork, frankly!
@MichaelTunnell: Just caught up on TWiL 161 today. The highlight of this episode, second only to the HyperScale voice of course
, is definitely CudaText. Been playing with it today and I am liking it more and more - I think I’ve found my new default editor. I was surprised by the amount of plugins available for it too.
@ak2020: FreePascal still has quite the community around it. Check out https://www.lazarus-ide.org/
Thanks, I remember Delphi, from Borland, I believe. They used to be pretty big back in the 90s!
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