156: elementary OS 6.0, JingPad A1, Pine64, Windows 11 Leaked?

On this episode of This Week in Linux, we’ve got a lot of Distro News this week with an update to the Beta for elementary OS 6.0, we’ll also check out the latest releases of Regolith Linux, Redcore Linux and Alpine Linux. We’ve also got some cool hardware news to talk about with an update from Pine64 and the IndieGoGo for the JingPad A1 has launched. Plus I’ve got a new mechanical keyboard to show you that I guarantee you will make you think “BUT WHY?” We’ve also got a new Desktop Environment to talk about this week called CuteFishDE. Later in the show, we’ve also some App News to check out. All that and much more on Your Weekly Source for Linux GNews!

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Notable Replies

  1. Thanks, @MichaelTunnell for another fun and informative episode. I agree. Who cares about Windoze 11. I just want the update to not break anything

    I’m thinking the “Alien Giant” keyboard is obviously for giant aliens, right? Isn’t news about that due to break soon?! And I thought the Zombie Tracker app was to warn me in case there were any zombies around. Apparently it’s not on Google Play but I did find this:

    Disclaimer: I do not recommend installation of the above app in any way whatsoever!

    Seriously though, love the Pine64 update to give supply details now. Also both Redcore and Alpine sound interesting!

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