Episode 14 | This Week in Linux

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The first 6 Year LTS Linux Kernel was released this week. Huge Update from Mozilla with Firefox Quantum. New distro releases from Fedora and Slax. Linux now dominates the Supercomputer Market, well even more than it already did. This week I made a new way to easily find out what Linux games are on sale on Steam. All that and much more.

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Segment Index

  • 00:40 = “Linux is Everywhere” Shirt Ad · [link]
  • 01:16 = Linux Kernel 4.14 Released · [link]
  • 04:03 = Firefox 57 “Quantum” Released · [link]
  • 09:27 = Pale Moon’s Basilisk Browser Project · [link]
  • 12:36 = nano 2.9.0 Released · [link]
  • 13:59 = container-diff: Compare Container Images · [link]
  • 15:01 = OpenShot 2.4.1 Released · [link]
  • 16:06 = Kdenlive Café #23 and #24 · [link]
  • 17:47 = LibreOffice Mascots Misstep · [link]
  • 22:35 = Fedora 27 Released · [link]
  • 23:18 = RHEL 7.4 on ARM · [link]
  • 24:04 = Slax Linux New Release – Drops Slackware · [link]
  • 24:24 = Potential Ubuntu Unity Flavor · [link]
  • 26:08 = Ubuntu 18.04 LTS News · [link]
  • 30:04 = tuxdigital.com/steamsale · [link]
  • 31:14 = This War of Mine: Father’s Promise DLC · [link]
  • 32:24 = Dirt Rally Tabletop Car-cade Game · [link]
  • 34:00 = OnePlus 5T Announced · [link]
  • 36:31 = Dell Updates Ubuntu Laptops Offerings · [link]
  • 39:18 = Munich Council: Going to Windows in 2020 · [link]
  • 43:38 = Linux Now Powers All Top 500 Supercomputers · [link]
  • 44:24 = Outro

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