On this episode of This Week in Linux, Ubuntu announced that they are working on a new Desktop Installer. CloudLinux announced the Beta Release for their CentOS Replacement called AlmaLinux. There are some big changes for this year’s Google Summer of Code and it has some people disappointed and even considering about not participating. We’ve also got a lot more Distro News to discuss with a follow up to the iPad-like tablet distro, JingOS, as well as an update for Solus and EndeavourOS. Then we’ll check out some new updates for a new supported devices website for Ubuntu Touch, and in app news we’ve got new releases for KDE’s App Suite and LibreOffice’s new Community edition. All that and much more on Your Weekly Source for Linux GNews!

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Segment Index
- 00:00 = Welcome to TWIL 137
- 01:11 = TWIL & DLN News ( DLNLive.com )
- 01:53 = Ubuntu News: 20.04.2, New Desktop Installer & More
- 10:04 = AlmaLinux Beta Released (CentOS Replacement by CloudLinux) [Wiki]
- 12:06 = 2021 Google Summer of Code Disappoints (X.org response)
- 14:30 = Digital Ocean – VPS & App Platform ( https://do.co/dln )
- 15:55 = JingOS Alpha Released (iPad-like Tablet Distro)
- 18:51 = Solus 4.2 “Fortitude” Released
- 21:07 = EndeavourOS 2021.02.03 Released
- 24:04 = Bitwarden Password Manager ( https://bitwarden.com/dln )
- 26:54 = UBports’ Big Update To Ubuntu Touch Devices Website
- 30:00 = LibreOffice 7.1 Released Plus New “Community” Label
- 32:30 = KDE’s New Kongress App & More
- 34:48 = Outro
As for the new EndeavourOS release, I was under the impression that XFCE 4.16 has been released, at least according to this article
That proposed swap file video sounds very interesting, my knowledge ends at a file simply being more versatile.
Thanks, @MichaelTunnell - as interesting and informative as ever!
Most exciting news for me this week has to be LibreOffice 7.1 though on Debian I’ll have to rely on flatpak of course. Usually I wait for at least one maintenance update before trying new versions but flatpaks are very flexible so maybe this time I won’t!
I might be in touch with AlmaLinux to ask if they’re also interested in Beta testing in VMs, in which case I’m up for it, and would be for Rocky Linux too when the time comes.
I’ve recently been running Manjaro in a VM and am fairly impressed with it. Have never looked at how EndeavourOS compares with this. Might be interesting…
After the news about Qt and commercial only support for LTS versions, if I remember correctly, I’m suspicious of Google and their plans for Flutter too. For the moment I’ve resolved to keep my focus on JavaFX and GTK; longer-term GTK seems the better option to me because there are no issues with future versions becoming closed.
UBPorts work is something I like to keep an eye on. I really think a mobile solution based on Linux is essential and as far as I know this is a key project from the options.
Yea I have no idea how I goofed on that one lol . . . I even wrote the article you linked lol
I have no idea how I did that.
I’m not really interested in Rocky Linux because it feels like an opportunist taking advantage of a situation. I know CloudLinux is doing that too but the difference is that Rocky Linux is found by someone who is relying on marketing spin nonsense. Kurtzger claims he was the founder of CentOS but thats only true for the name itself. He named the project but he was never involved in the project when it was based on RHEL. He left the project in 2005 and they didnt base on RHEL until 2006 so him claiming to be the founder like that is just nonsense.
Manjaro is trying to take Arch and expand on it to be easier. EndeavourOS is much closer to Arch in that you could say its 100% compatible with Arch where as Manjaro cant make that claim.
Thanks for that info. I’ve been trying AlmaLinux Beta in a VM and it seems pretty flawless so far! Later this week I might swap-out Manjaro for EndeavourOS and see how I find that
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