132: Dragonbox Pyra, KDE’s 2021 Roadmap, Snap Themes, Linux Instant Replay Tool

On this episode of This Week in Linux, we’ve got some roadmap news to talk about for some upcoming changes for KDE’s Plasma desktop and Application Suite, Ubuntu announced improvements for theming of Snaps and we’ll check that out. We’ve also got some hardware news for a much anticipated device with the Dragonbox Pyra. We’ve got some distro releases to discuss with Slackel & Septor Linux. Then in App News we’ll check out an IP Ban Tool called Crowdsec, a Personal Health Record App, a Instant Replay Tool for Linux. All that and much more on Your Weekly Source for Linux GNews!

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Notable Replies

  1. Thanks, @MichaelTunnell - very interesting and informative, as usual :slight_smile:

    Dragonbox Pyra definitely looks appealing, though way-off my price-range currently. I especially like that it runs Debian for retro-gaming, if I’ve understood correctly.

    I’ve thought about collating health records for some time now. The MyGNUHealth application definitely seems worth a look.

    I don’t play many games, but yes, well done Xonotic - I see also available as a flatpak, so I may try it out soon :slight_smile:

  2. the Pyra is cool and I think it is very interesting but sadly the price is way too high for my needs. The Debian part makes no sense for gaming, so promoting this as a gaming device is odd. The form factor is sure but the power isnt all that gaming. I think the form factor in general is really cool.

  3. Sudo Show’s CrowdSec interview mentioned on the show:

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