On this episode of This Week in Linux, we’ve got a lot of exciting news and even some “is this really happening?” news. First of all, the Beta for Fedora 33 with Btrfs is out now for testing. OBS Studio has released version 26.0 and there is so much awesome stuff in this release . . . I just love this application! We’ve also got a couple updates for some topics from previous episodes, KWinFT Project has hit Beta and Thunderbird has a new release that allows for direct upgrades. Unity Technologies has announced something they are calling ‘Open Projects’ which is an Open Source Game Development campaign that is very interesting! We’ve got a LOT of App Releases to talk about this week with the Geary (Email Client) 3.38, Virt Manager 3.0, and two new applications that are quite interesting which are Cabin: a tool to create simple apps for Linux with natural language programming, and an app that helps you find duplicates, big files, empty folders, etc called Czkawka. And in the “is this really happening” segment . . . apparently Purism has decided to create their own Cellular Service for a phone that still doesn’t exist. All that and much more comming up right now on Your Weekly Source for Linux GNews!

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Segment Index
- 00:00 = Coming up on TWinL 119
- 01:51 = Welcome to This Week in Linux
- 02:08 = Housekeeping: New DestinationLinux.Network Website
- 03:08 = Housekeeping: FrontPageLinux.com
- 03:32 = Housekeeping: Follow Me on Twitter or Mastodon
- 04:23 = Fedora 33 Beta Released with Btrfs by Default
- 09:38 = OBS Studio 26.0 Released
- 14:09 = Unity Technologies Announce ‘Open Projects‘ (Open Source Game Development)
- 17:09 = Digital Ocean – VPS & Cloud Hosting ( https://do.com/dln )
- 18:44 = Purism Launches Librem AweSIM Cellular Service
- 25:56 = KWinFT Projects Hit Beta Releases
- 29:23 = Thunderbird 78.3 Released: Now Supports Upgrades
- 31:48 = Geary Email Client Now Supports Plugins
- 33:43 = Bitwarden – Password Manager ( https://bitwarden.com/dln )
- 35:47 = Virt Manager 3.0 Released
- 37:52 = Cabin: Creating Simple Apps for Linux
- 40:48 = Czkawka 1.0.0: Find Duplicates Big Files Empty Folders
- 45:37 = Outro
$99 a month for “AweSIM” seems like straight up robbery to me. Is that kind of price normal for the US?
I’m paying €14 a month for an unlimited plan in Ireland.
Alternatives to AweSIM as listed by TechLore, many not requiring anything but a ~$30 cash pre-pay for unlimited data and often superior anonymity.
I think Purism needs to be more clear on what justifies the additional $70/mo that isn’t already provided by other resellers.
there is no justification lol its just a nonsense thing by a nonsense company (imo)
Thanks for this @MichaelTunnell - so much news this week!
Hearing about Purism off and on for some months in the podcasts, it sometimes reminds me of Gnu’s ambitions for their OS including Hurd for the kernel… That was announced about thirty years ago now, I think, but it’s still not released 1.0 version. It was very ambitious and potentially superior, being micro-kernel based, but in the time that’s been under development, we’ve had Linux and so many other OSes released…
Looks like the KWinFT project is coming along nicely, which is useful. Also I’d be curious to know how you rate Evolution against Thunderbird and Geary. Virt-manager development, Cabin and Czkawka all sound interesting. Natural language programming was under research and investigation back in the 90s too, when I was at college. Seems like they’re getting results
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