118: Lenovo’s New Ubuntu Laptops, GNOME 40, Puppy Linux 9.5, Firefox 81, UBports

On this episode of This Week in Linux, we’ve got a great show for you even though I’m sick. As they say in show business, the show must go on or something like that. Lenovo Adds Ubuntu Laptops & PCs to their lineup. UBports released their latest update with 16.04 OTA-13. Puppy Linux has a brand new version out with Puppy Linux 9.5. Microsoft announce that after a long wait everyone can rejoice that they are finally bringing Microsoft Edge to Linux! Mozilla also announced a new version of Firefox with Firefox 81. EndeavourOS has a new release of this Arch Linux based distro with version 2020.09.20 and they also announced a new ARM Edition of the distro. GNOME has decided to change the version numbering for the project. We’ll talk about this and why it matters or why it doesn’t. There’s a new update to the very powerful ebook reader Calibre, with Calibre 5.0. We’ll check out the Screenshot Utility, Flameshot and their latest release of 0.8. Then we’ll round out the show with some potentially great news for the Lightworks Video Editor. All that and much more on Your Weekly Source for Linux GNews!

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Segment Index

  • 00:00 = Coming up on TWinL 118
  • 01:23 = Welcome to This Week in Linux
  • 01:45 = Housekeeping: I’m Sick Live Streams of the show & my other podcasts
  • 03:09 = Lenovo Adds Ubuntu Laptops & PCs
  • 05:19 = UBports 16.04 OTA-13 Released
  • 09:08 = Puppy Linux 9.5 Released
  • 12:19 = Digital Ocean – VPS & Cloud Hosting ( https://do.co/dln )
  • 13:46 = Microsoft Is Bringing Edge To Linux
  • 15:32 = Firefox 81 Released
  • 19:51 = EndeavourOS 2020.09.20 & New ARM Edition
  • 24:14 = Bitwarden – Password Manager ( https://bitwarden.com/dln )
  • 25:41 = GNOME Changes Version Numbering
  • 34:29 = Calibre 5.0 Released
  • 36:44 = Flameshot 0.8 Released (Screenshot Utility)
  • 40:22 = Lightworks Video Editor Goes Independent
  • 45:22 = Outro

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Notable Replies

  1. Thanks @MichaelTunnell - great show, especially given you had to keep things on the road while feeling poorly. Hope you’re getting some rest and recovery too!

    I think Lenovo support for Ubuntu is just wonderful. Given how widespread Ubuntu is, support for that in addition to Fedora is really covering bases that can give a wide range of enthusiasts confidence that the Lenovo hardware will be compatible with their particular distro, even if it’s not Ubuntu or Fedora, in my opinion.

    As I keep saying, I’m interested in potential development work with UBPorts, so this new release is excellent news. When I get around to it UBPorts development may turn out to be my primary use for the Pi; I’ve never bought one yet. I’m not sure if an emulator is available, in the style that Google release for Android developers with AndroidStudio, but will look into this.

    Gnome is my daily driver but I pretty-much laughed all the way through your discussion of their new version numbering :slight_smile: I do find some of their changes a little random at times, though I rely on Debian to smooth these out by choosing the version to distribute in their stable releases with care.

    I’ve been a user of Kindle for about ten years now, started when Amazon wasn’t quite the huge monster it’s become now. I really benefit from annotation tools and have recently been wondering if the new version of Evince has better annotation tools, and considering that for potential development contributions if not. I fully understand your excitement over Firefox improved support for pdfs. I use them all the time too! As far as annotations and ebooks go, I did try Calibre many years ago but found it a bit clunky then; maybe it’s improved so I’ll give it another look. Likewise, will be installing Flameshot though it’s support for Wayland seems to be experimental currently.

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