113: Red Hat + Flatpak, KDE Neon, Darktable, RetroArch, HBO Max Drops Linux

Quick note: episode republished to fix mp3 download issue.

On this episode of This Week in Linux, we’ve got a lot of great news and also a few unfortunate things to talk about. Red Hat announces their Flatpak Runtime for Desktop Containers. Darktable announced the 3.2 release of their Open Source RAW photo editor. LibRetro announced the release of RetroArch 1.9.0 and we also got some unfortunate news from the LibRetro related to some of their servers being hacked. KDE ships the 20.08 updates for their Application Suite and KDE Neon has been rebased on Ubuntu 20.04. An Open Source Earthquake Early-Warning Project has been announced, plus we got the news that the FSF has elected a new President of the foundation. We’ve also got some unfortunate news with HBO Max reportedly dropping Linux Support and the NSA discloses discovery of malware which is targeting Linux systems. All that and much more on Your Weekly Source for Linux GNews!

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  1. Thanks for this, @MichaelTunnell - very informative, as usual :slight_smile:

    I think RHEL is maybe considered a stable base by closed-source vendors and so maybe they’re more likely to support it, though it doesn’t have wide-stream use among normal consumers, who if anything might be more likely to be using Fedora (if along RH lines). As you say, maybe their flatpak runtime can allow software that only supports RHEL to be used on other distros, which would be very useful!

    Pretty bad news, this RetroArch breach and the Drovorub malware. Seems like a lot of recent news about international attempts to violate online security. I have to say given how predominant Linux is on servers, I’m not surprised such attempts are being made. I do hope the community responds with individuals in the know contributing as they already clearly have done with all the hardware-level problems in recent years.

    Sometimes I wonder if the mindset behind DRM and open source aren’t so at cross-purposes, that we might as well give-up. I loved my DVDs but I don’t know of any open source software that can play Blu-rays. The PowerDVD I bought on Windows years ago stopped being supported and stopped working so, can’t even watch my own discs for now!

  2. I screwed up on the publishing of this episode, you’ll see 2 TWinL 113s in your podcast app. This is because the first one was a screw up of reposting 112 as 113. The second entry is actually 113

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