101: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, Manjaro 20, LXQt, Lenovo / Fedora ThinkPads, Void Linux

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On this episode of This Week in Linux, the amount of news we have to cover is just crazy! We’ve got multiple big stories in Distro News with Ubuntu 20.04 releasing, Manjaro 20 releasing, Fedora announcing that Fedora is coming to Lenovo’s ThinkPads, and even more from Void Linux and Intel’s Clear Linux. In the housekeeping section were going to be talking about the new DLN News & Article website, Front Page Linux. There’s just so much news this week. LXQt 0.15 was released and there’s a little bit of weirdness around the LXQt project to discuss. We’ve also got some new releases in the App News section for Kdenlive 20.04, BleachBit 4.0 and Vivaldi 3.0. All that and much more coming up. I’m Michael Tunnell with TuxDigital and this is your Weekly Source for Linux GNews.

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Notable Replies

  1. Excellent - thanks, @MichaelTunnell! So much in this episode, no wonder it was a late night working on it!

    I know the Ubuntu LTS is a big thing and though I don’t use it myself, I do have it running in a VM so will look forward to the upgrade. Maybe I’ll try Manjaro some time soon too, especially given it is now the default distro on the Pinebook Pro.

    I recall when IBM was a very different company and of course when they sold aspects of their hardware branch to Lenovo. Sometimes I wonder if Microsoft might go down a similar track. I think IBM wasn’t so big on ethics some decades back and has changed into something very different over the years. Let’s see…

    Front Page Linux sounds very exciting. I used to write for the college paper when I was at university. Maybe some time I might write something up for you to have a browse for consideration. I understand the standard you require is quite high, so of course you’ll be selective so that we can all enjoy excellent content - if I submit something that’s not quite right for the site, I still think I’ll learn lots from trying, if I ever have ideas that might be worthwhile :slight_smile:

    Sorry to read of the drama this week. We’re all human though so I guess it’s to be expected from time to time. Hope both projects work their way past it all though.

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