Linux Saloon
New Episodes Recorded Live Every Saturday at 8PM US Eastern

Linux Saloon 83 | Debian 12 Exploration
Tonight, we are going to be chatting about our experience with running Debian 12, in whatever capacity each person found fit for them. We will

Linux Saloon 82 | Open Mic Night
This is an open conversation night. The conversations here are completely crowd sourced! If you have an suggestions for topics, be they news, distributions, applications

Linux Saloon 81 | Favorite Browser Extensions
We use web browsers for much of the work we use on our tech, good bad or otherwise, it is the primary interface for the

Linux Saloon 80 | Laser Engraving, Open Source Pancreas, Commodore 64 Running Linux, Brave Browser
Tonight is a News Flight Night. Bring your topics and lets chat about tech topics that fascinate you. If you have an suggestions for topics,

Linux Saloon 79 | Rhino Linux Distribution Exploration Discussion
Tonight we are talking Rhino Linux and the fun we have had with it. Join the conversation and bring your thoughts and experiences. If you

Linux Saloon 78 | Open Mic Night
The Open Mic Night makes a return today where members of the community will bring topics that is top of mind in their tech journeys

Linux Saloon 77 | Multi-Chat Clients, Ferdium, Rambox, Franz, Beeper
Tonight is an application appetizer where we are going to talk about the multi-chat clients we tried out this past week. If you don’t like

Linux Saloon 76 | News Flight Night
Tonight is a News Flight Night. Bring your topics and lets chat about tech topics that fascinate you. If you have an suggestions for topics,

Linux Saloon 75 | SolusOS Distro Exploration
Tonight we are going to talk about Solus OS. If you have an suggestions for topics, be they news, distributions, applications or anything that

Linux Saloon 74: Banana Pi, Did you use this Old Tech, Winmodems
This Open Mic Night was a blast. Linux Saloon newcomer, Brian, shared with us his work on compiling a Linux kernel with needed features for

Linux Saloon 73: Tailscale, Ubports, Virtualization solutions, GPT4All
It’s pretty rare when the overall impression of a piece of software goes so well, people are pretty motivated to continue to use it. On

Linux Saloon 72: Red Hat Changes, Simple Remote Support, Self-Hosting Social
On this News Flight Night we had quite a number of winding conversations from the decentralization of social media, desired laptop hardware, a new FOSS