This week, Linux Out Loud chats about festive-themed games.
Welcome to episode 44 of Linux Out Loud. We fired up our mics, connected those headphones as we searched the community for themes to expound upon. We kept the banter friendly, the conversation somewhat on topic, and had fun doing it.
00:00:00 Introduction
00:01:49 Game Sphere Unboxing
00:05:14 New Retro Video
00:08:08 PETG
00:18:09 Getting Festive
00:29:29 Game of the Week
00:33:17 5V Lights
00:36:24 Cricut in a Bottle
00:43:35 Close
Main Topic
- Falling Snow
- Christmas Tree in the Terminal
- Terminal Logfire
- Christmas Massacre
- Batman Arkham Origins
- Christmas Mansion
- Model Railway
- No Crooks for Christmas
- Ho Ho Home Invasion
- Commodore 1541 Imposter
- WLED ESP8266 Controller
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Contact info
Matt (Twitter @MattTDN)
Wendy (Mastodon @WendyDLN)
Nate (Website
How to: Create an animated BASH script to thank Linux Out Loud
Wendy, Nate and Matt thank you so much for the episodes, have a Merry Christmas and a happy new year!

I absolutely LOVE it @Ulfnic Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you as well. Thanks for being such an awesome listener, community member, and moderator.
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