On this episode of Destination Linux (353), Mark Shuttleworth joins us for an interview at the Ubuntu Summit to discuss Ubuntu, Ubuntu Summit, AI, the importance of open-source contributions and the positive impact it can have on industries.
Special Guests:
Mark Shuttleworth
Link: https://ubuntu.com
Supported by:
Namecheap = https://destinationlinux.net/namecheap
LINBIT = https://destinationlinux.net/linbit
Hosted by:
Michael Tunnell = https://michaeltunnell.com
Ryan (DasGeek) = https://dasgeekcommunity.com
Jill Bryant = https://jilllinuxgirl.com
Want to Support the Show?
Become a Patron = https://tuxdigital.com/membership
Store = https://tuxdigital.com/store
00:00 Destination Linux 353 Intro
00:49 Community Feedback
07:47 NAMECHEAP – [ link ]
08:46 Interview: Mark Shuttleworth
27:40 LINBIT – [ link ]
28:58 Interview: Mark Shuttleworth Cont.
43:52 Gaming: MrBid an AI Generated game
45:33 Software Spotlight: Exercise Timer
47:34 Tips and Tricks: Alternativeto
49:13 Events
50:17 Outro
Still a little puzzled why you have not mentioned Wger for exercise/nutrition logging?
Why does the graphic for this episode show Exlusive and not ExClusive?
Also the link in my podcast catcher points to 352
I have the same error here.
Thank you so much @vinylninja and @Friartech for letting us know!

@MichaelTunnell is fixing them now!
We did, back on episode 323 in May of last year.
Ooops, my bad, thanks for reporting. Fixing now.
Edit: Fixed
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