160: Valve Steam Deck, PineTime Smartwatch, Solus, Windows 365, Ubuntu Touch

On this episode of This Week in Linux, Valve has announced the Steam Deck, which is their new handheld gaming device powered by Linux and Pine64 announced the PineTime Smartwatch is now available to order. We’ve got a lot to check out in Distro News such as releases from Tails, Solus, Escuelas Linux, and apparently a Linux Distro from Microsoft. Then we’re going to take a look at the latest release of Ubuntu Touch with OTA-18 and we’ve got some App News from Nextcloud and Firefox. All that and so much more coming up on episode 160 of This Week in Linux, recorded live on July 17, 2021. Your Weekly Source for Linux GNews!

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Notable Replies

  1. Thanks, @MichaelTunnell - very informative and entertaining, as usual!

    I’m not a gamer but I find the Steam Deck very exciting gnews indeed! Any way to avoid installing Windows sounds like an improvement to me, even it it’s this cloud service you mention. Who knows, may be the way to go when stuck with needing compatibility?

    I did buy a fitness watch from Amazon one time, but it never worked and thankfully I got a refund. I am sure the PineTime will be a far superior product. I might even try one myself :slight_smile:

  2. :+1:

    hopefully it will be what I am looking for too :smiley:

    The thing that is awesome about the Steam Deck is that it isnt a cloud service, this is a device that allows you to use your own existing Steam Library of games in a switch-style console. That’s what makes this even more amazing. :smiley:

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