97: Turning Up the Heat, Linux Tips and BBQ Treats

In Linux Out Loud episode 97, the hosts serve up a mix of tech tips, BBQ talk, and laughs! Nate shares how he uses crontab to automate log cleanup, Bill dives into speeding up DNF downloads, and Wendy tackles laptop fan issues and OBS quirks. They also explore the magic of HomeBridge, manage systems via Cockpit, and even throw in some grilling stories for good measure. It’s a blend of practical Linux solutions, witty banter, and tasty tech adventures—guaranteed to heat things up!

Links and Note:

  • Desktop for 3D Printing
  • Crontab
  • Tune DNF for more downloads
    • sudo vim /etc/dnf/dnf.conf
    • max_parallel_downloads=10
  • GUI Based Backups
  • TUI Based Backups
  • Cockpit for Easy System Management
    • Login via https://localhost:9090
    • Install Applications for storage, VMs, and podman
    • sudo systemctl enable –now cockpit.socket
    • sudo systemctl enable –now podman.socket
  • HomeBridge for HomeAssistant
    • Burn the RPi image or make a container for HomeBridge
    • podman pull homebridge/homebridge
      • podman run -d –name homebridge –network host –privileged -v /path/to/config:/homebridge homebridge/homebridge
  • Dell Laptop fan Fix
    • Install i8kutils-git and dell-bios-fan-control-git
    • Edit /etc/i8kutils/i8kmon.conf
    • Run sudo dell-bios-fan-control 0
      • may need ran again on reboot
  • OBS Fix with NVIDIA (Manjaro)
    • sudo pacman -R libva-vdpau-driver
  • YouTube Downloader
  • DaVinci Resolve Fix
    • cd /opt/resolve/libs
    • sudo mkdir .unused_davinci_libs
    • sudo mv libglib* libgio* libgmodule* /opt/resolve/libs/.unused_davinci_libs
  • DaVinci could also need this installed:
    • sudo pacman -S libxcrypt-compat

Contact info
Matt (Twitter @MattTDN)
Wendy (Mastodon @WendyDLN)
Nate (Website CubicleNate.com)
Bill (Discord: ctlinux, Mastodon @ctlinux)

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