126: youtube-dl Restored by GitHub, KDE PinePhone, Kali Linux, SUSE IPO?

On this episode of This Week in Linux, we’ve got a great show packed with news. youtube-dl’s repo has been restored by GitHub. Pine64 announced a new KDE Community Edition of the PinePhone. We’ve got some distro news for Kali Linux, SUSE and a new Ubuntu Web Remix aimed at being an alternative to ChromeOS. We’ve got some Mozilla news to discuss with the latest release of Firefox 83 and their new DoH Rollout. We’ve also got a new image editor app to check out called LazPaint. All that and much more coming up right now on Your Weekly Source for Linux GNews!

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Notable Replies

  1. Remember when Purism pretended to ship phones that one time but we’re on the, what, seventh run of shipments of up to the second iteration of the PinePhone?

    In the words of the warrior poets of my generation: gg no re

  2. Thanks, @MichaelTunnell, very informative, as ever! Very good news from github and Pine64. UbuntuWeb does sound interesting for cloud users though I’d only consider if it integrates with NextCloud. LazPaint could be useful especially for folk like me on older hardware looking only to do very quick, basic edits.

Continue the discussion at forum.tuxdigital.com


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