180: Linux 5.16, Linux Mint, elementary OS, KDE, Ubuntu Gaming, Pinephone

On this episode of This Week in Linux, Linux Kernel 5.16, Linux Mint 20.3, elementary OS 6.1, Canonical is rebuilding Snapcraft and Ubuntu might be getting serious about gaming, KDE Roadmap for 2022, PinePhone Keyboard Addon, Ubuntu Touch OTA-21, Heroic Games Launder 2.0.0, SuperTux 0.6.3, Garuda Linux 220101, and Gecko Linux. All that and much more on Your Weekly Source for Linux GNews!

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Notable Replies

  1. Big surprise for Pine64 fans <3

  2. Thanks, @MichaelTunnell. Favourite news of the week for me has to be the PinePhone keyboard. I love how innovative and open these products are, though they’re just a little too over on the experimental side for me to be able to use currently, given I’m only working part time with not much budget to experiment with, but everything they do seems pretty awesome to me!

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