163: Steam Linux Marketshare, PulseAudio, CodeWeavers, Paragon NTFS, Latte Dock

On this episode of This Week in Linux, Linux Marketshare Hits 1% on Steam Hardware Survey. CodeWeavers announce the latest release of CrossOver 21.0. PulseAudio 15.0 has been released. We check out a new Desktop Environment with UnityX 10. There’s some Linux Kernel this week with Paragon’s NTFS Driver might make it into the kernel. In App News, we check out Latte Dock 0.10, Gerbera Media Server, and Cozy Audiobook Player. All that and much more on Your Weekly Source for Linux GNews!

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Notable Replies

  1. Thanks, @MichaelTunnell - lot’s of interesting news this week, though the IBM project sounds the most fascinating to me!

    I do wonder why Unity needed those rewrites but hopefully one of the current projects will satisfy its fans. On the subject of switching from GTK to Qt, I’ve recently been reading a fascinating book on Software Architecture that’s been inspiring me to try to develop an app so that that different GUI frameworks can be switched-out without affecting the rest of the code, to the greatest extent possible. This interests me because I’m still not convinced there’s a GUI framework that’s really portable. I know Qt is used a lot, but committing to that does seem to involve adopting a lot of non-standard C++ which I am somewhat nervous about committing to. Another advantage might be the possibility to also port to Android though I haven’t looked at coding for that platform in a long while now.

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