93: MATE 1.24, KDE Plasma 5.18, Blender, OpenShot, Evernote, MX Linux

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On this episode of This Week in Linux, we have monster of a show with new releases from desktop environments like MATE and KDE Plasma to distro news from MX Linux, Ubuntu, Project Trident and Tiny Core. In App News this week, we see new releases from Blender, OpenShot and some interesting news from Evernote. We’ll also talk about some updates from TLP the laptop performance project and Wayland display server protocol. Later in the show, we’ll check out a cool gaming overlay project called MangoHud and we’ll discuss some Legal News related to Mycroft AI and their fight against a “Patent Troll”. All that and much more on Your Weekly Source for Linux GNews!

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Notable Replies

  1. Keep up the great work, Michael!!

  2. Thanks @MichaelTunnell - enjoyed this, as usual. I’ve commented on Wayland on the thread you mention. I’ve been using it as my daily driver without any hassles on Debian 10 Stable with Gnome 3 since July 2019. Sounds like a lot of good work from the KDE team too. I wonder if they have a good onscreen keyboard though. Florence which I used to use with XFCE doesn’t work with Wayland. I’m a big fan of Debian so if MX Linux are building on it with modern hardware support that sounds wonderful for the Linux community. It’s never good to hear about the kind of legal cases you mention (in my opinion!) I hopped straight onto LBRY, which I hadn’t heard from until watching this show. I think it’s an excellent idea to make DLN videos available from there. It’s where I will much prefer to go from now on :slight_smile:

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