218: KDE Plasma 5.27, Endless OS, Fedora 38, Future of Thunderbird & More Linux News

On this episode of This Week in Linux, KDE has released a new version of their Plasma desktop. There’s a lot of distro news to cover like Endless OS, Fedora Linux, OpenMandriva, Escuelas Linux and more. We’ll also cover the future of Thunderbird email client and the latest release of the Budgie Desktop and so much more. If you’re new to TWIL, this is the show that will keep you up to date with what’s going on in the Linux world so be sure to like and subscribe and all that. From the TuxDigital network, I’m Michael Tunnel and this is Your Weekly Source of Linux GNews.

[powerpress channel=”thisweekinlinux-mp3″]


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Notable Replies

  1. @bogdanbiv
    I used to have the episode number on the thumbnail and it made people not want to watch because it made some feel like they would be out of date and have to catch up. This is one of the reasons I changed to making the thumbnail more YouTube style to promote the topics and also because I changed the format of the show to be more like a video than a podcast with a video element . . . now it is more like a video with a podcast edition. In the podcast edition it does show the episode number and in the show notes. The only part that doesnt have the episode number is the youtube version. Do you watch the show via youtube?

  2. Did watch it Michael!

    Been a while…
    Might recommend a more visible TWL no.

    Now, off to see that video link to Jill talking about professionals using OpenSource…

Continue the discussion at forum.tuxdigital.com

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