We use web browsers for much of the work we use on our tech, good bad or otherwise, it is the primary interface for the web for nearly everyone. To make the journey across the Internet a little better, many of use have decided to add extensions to the stock web browser and tonight we will be sharing what we use.

If you have an suggestions for topics, be they news, distributions, applications or anything that is Linux, tech or open source related, comment below or send an email to suggestions@linuxsaloon.com

Next Week: Application Appetizer where we will be talking about our favorite browser extensions.

Thanks so much for your continued support in watching, sharing and subscribing to Linux Saloon.

00:05:00 Introductions
00:27:30 Strawpoll – How many extension do you run on your browser

Privacy and Security
* Firefox Multi-Account containers
* https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/multi-account-containers/
* Simple Tab Groups
* Cookie AutoDelete
* Facebook Container
* uBlock Origin
* ClearURLs – Check out after show

* Auto Tab Discard
* Bitwarden Password Manager
* CopyTabTitleUrl
* Dark Reader
* Enhancer for YouTube
* Firefox Translations
* LanguageTool – Grammar Checker
* Joplin Web Clipper
* Stylus – Check this out after show

Check if your browser has a fingerprint:

I don’t care about cookies

Other Resources:
Linux Saloon Community on Telegram – http://t.me/linuxsaloon/
Discord Server – http://discord.linuxsaloon.com/
TuxDigital – https://tuxdigital.com/Linux Saloon – http://LinuxSaloon.com/
Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts Group – https://ale.org/

Leave a Comment

Start the discussion at forum.tuxdigital.com

Hosted by: Nathan Wolf

About Linux Saloon

This Week in Linux (TWIL) is the Linux News podcast that will keep you up to date with what’s going on in the Linux world and Michael will give you his take as a 20 year plus Linux user. Join other TWILLERS every Saturday with Your Weekly Source of Linux GNews.

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