312: Linux At The Movies & Making Open Source Radio Waves!


This week’s episode of Destination Linux, we’re going to be discussing Linux at the Oscars! Then we have a rust based browser engine making a comeback. Plus, we have our tips/tricks and software picks. All this and more coming up right now on Destination Linux to keep those penguins marching!

Hosts of Destination Linux:

Ryan (DasGeek) = dasgeekcommunity.com
Michael Tunnell = tuxdigital.com
Jill Bryant = jilllinuxgirl.com

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Community Feedback

You can comment on the forum thread below or fill out the contact form at https://tuxdigital.com/contribute


  • 00:00 = Welcome to DL 312
  • 00:50 = Community Feedback
  • 08:36 = Linode: Cloud Services – [ linode.com/tux ]
  • 10:11 = Canonical Goes To The Movies – [ link ]
  • 31:37 = Bitwarden Password Manager – [ bitwarden.com/tux ]
  • 33:11 = News: Servo Web Browser Engine New Funding – [ link ]
  • 40:22 = Linux Gaming: Blasphemous – [ link ]
  • 46:04 = Tip of the Week: titling terminal windows
  • 43:25 = Software Spotlight: Zulip Messenger – [ link ]
  • 47:39 = DL Crew is going to SCALE 2023! Join us in Pasedena CA! – [ link ]
  • 50:05 = Become a Patron of Destination Linux – [ link ]
  • 51:18 = Get some DL Swag from the TuxDigital Store – [ link ]
  • 51:37 = More content on TuxDigital.com – [ link ]
  • 52:06 = Outro
  • 52:12 = Ryan you can’t say the name of that event apparently

Tip of the Week:

  • Setting the title of your terminal windows can be useful when you’re dealing with multiple terminals at once.
  • One way to make this easy for you is to edit your .bashrc
  • now I havent had a chance to try this but I’m trusting Ryan here
    • nano ~/.bashrc
    • The add this function for setting the title at the end which will be in the show notes:
```    function set-title() {
  if [[ -z "$ORIG" ]]; then
  • Then save and exit (Ctrl X), and reload the file with source ~/.bashrc.
  • Then just open your terminal and type
    set-title tuxdigital
  • Boom, your title will change on the terminal each time.
  • There are also cool ways to make your title change to the last command executed and other conveniences to play with but this should get your started.

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Notable Replies

  1. I get an 404 error trying to access the show notes.

Continue the discussion at forum.tuxdigital.com


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