217: elementary OS 7, Wine 8, openSUSE Codecs, Ubuntu and more Linux news!

On this episode of This Week in Linux: we’ve got a new release from the WINE project, elementary OS 7 is out, we’ll get some previews for the next releases of GNOME and KDE Plasma. Plus we’ve got some news from openSUSE & Ubuntu and so much more on Your Weekly Source for Linux GNews!

[powerpress channel=”thisweekinlinux-mp3″]


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Notable Replies

  1. Good to see TWiL back, @MichaelTunnell . I’ve been a patron of TWiL for some time, via Sponsus. I’m not sure how to get the perks for the other shows too. Not seeing the option on the Contribute page yet either. Maybe missing something?

    Looking forward to the next one, and catching up on DL shows still :slight_smile:

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