187: Steam Deck Reviews, Ubuntu Snap Vulnerability, Intel Buys Linutronix and more Linux news

On this episode of This Week in Linux: Steam Deck Officially Launched, Intel Acquires Linutronix, Podman 4.0, MythTV 32, PeerTube 4.1, Planner 3.0, Vulnerability Found In Ubuntu’s Snaps, Mir 2.7, GIMP 2.99.10, Libinput 1.20, NetworkManager 1.36, Slax 11.2. All that and much more on Your Weekly Source for Linux GNews!

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Notable Replies

  1. Thanks for this, @MichaelTunnell - very useful, as usual! News I’m most interested in this week is the upcoming Gnu Image Manipulation Program almost 3.0 release, and Canonical’s work on Mir. Originally I did not like the fragmentation that Mir seemed to be creating when it was competing with Wayland, but now I do hope it helps with UBPorts efforts.

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