185: KDE Plasma 5.24, Steam Deck Reviews, Intel & RISC-V, Qubes OS & More

On this episode of This Week in Linux, KDE Plasma 5.24, KDE Discover Redesign, Intel Joins RISC-V International, Mozilla Firefox 97, Inkscape 1.1.2, OpenMandriva Lx 4.3, Qubes OS 4.1.0, Steam Deck Hands-On Hardware Reviews, DBrand’s Project Killswitch, The Nobara Project, Escuelas Linux 7.3, Absolute Linux 15.0, Twister OS & Twister UI. All that and much more on Your Weekly Source for Linux GNews!

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  1. Thanks, @MichaelTunnell - excellent show as usual. Amongst all of the news, I find TwisterOS most fascinating. Looking at their website gallery, they’ve done an awesome job at resembling the DEs they’ve targeted. I think this speaks volumes for the flexibility of Linux (and XFCE in general, I think, because they’re all based on that). Call me odd but I install multiple DEs because occasionally I just enjoy a little change, so I’d actually love to see this in mainstream distros too!

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