176: OBS vs Streamlabs, APT Patched, Steam for Linux, Retro Gaming, Mesa

On this episode of This Week in Linux, OBS Vs Streamlabs, APT 2.3.12 Released (“LTT Patch”), Steam for Linux Client Updated, Lakka 3.6 Released, Mesa 21.3 3D Library Released, Ubuntu Touch OTA-20 Released, Canonical’s New Approach to Documentation, KDE Plasma Getting Overview in 5.24, Google GNews & Drama. All that and much more on Your Weekly Source for Linux GNews!

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Notable Replies

  1. I dont remember where I did the car analogy, if you dont mind, please let me know which topic it was in or share a timestamp because I am curious where it was now. I skimmed the episode and couldnt find it.

  2. Gah! Never mind me. I was catching up on podcasts this week while working and got this episode confused with TWIL 166. You were discussing Linux From Scratch (Time: 33:33) and made an analogy between distros and autos. I had to stop working for a few minutes to think about this… and the more I thought about it, the more I liked it.

  3. Thanks, @MichaelTunnell . I especially appreciate when you mention topics that are lower-level (like Mesa and Ubuntu Documentation) in acknowledging how important they are, although many end-users may only benefit from them through numerous end-user applications.

    GSoC being extended sounds interesting to me. Having done my degree in Software Engineering back in the 90s but worked more in education than in industry, I might like to see if it could help me get back into IT industry too at some stage.

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