171: Android 12, Linux on Apple M1, RHEL, Twitch Leak, Sony, Fairphone 4

On this episode of This Week in Linux, Google has released Android 12 and Desktop Linux is working on Apple M1 Mac thanks to Asahi Linux. Mozilla has announced the release of Firefox 93. In the Enterprise Linux world, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.5 Beta is out, CERN Reveals their opinion of CentOS Stream and AlmaLinux Foundation Opens Up Memberships. In Security News, Twitch.tv had a Data Leak and Google announced funding for Open Source Security. Modular smartphone, Fairphone 4 will be available soon as discussed on Hardware Addicts. Sony talks about their efforts for contributions to Open Source and Linux. All that and much more on Your Weekly Source for Linux GNews!

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Notable Replies

  1. For some reason this episode felt a lot shorter than others.
    I still really liked it tho, it finally made me create an account here!

  2. Avatar for Max Max says:

    Thank you! Less topics is better than 170.

  3. Thanks, @MichaelTunnell - another great episode! So much excellent news. I’m wondering if perhaps Sony’s is my favourite. Isn’t the PS based on FreeBSD? Would be great if they publicised use of open source in their film studios, if they still have them. About out of touch with film myself, these days!

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