149: Linux 5.12, Fedora 34, elementary OS 6, openSUSE Leap, RHEL 8.4, Pine64

On this episode of This Week in Linux, we’re going to check out the latest release of the namesake of this show, the Linux Kernel with Linux 5.12 being released. This episode is just stacked with Distro news with the release of Fedora Linux 34, the Release Candidate of openSUSE Leap 15.3, elementary OS 6 Beta has been released, and we’ll check out version 21 of Calculate Linux. That’s not all for Distro news, I did say it was stacked . . . we also got some Enterprise Distros to discuss with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.4 aka RHEL then we’ll check out the CentOS alternatives with AlmaLinux 8.4 Beta & Rocky Linux 8.3 RC. We’ve got some cool mobile hardware news this week with updates from Pine64 about the PinePhone Keyboard Addon and the PineTime SmartWatch. There’s just so much good news this week but there’s also a new Linux Backdoor Malware that was found being named RotaJakiro so we’ll talk about that. All that and much more on Your Weekly Source for Linux GNews!

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Notable Replies

  1. Thanks @MichaelTunnell - great episode, sounds like the unedited was a lot of fun too :slight_smile:

    I’m pretty impressed how quickly Rocky have a release candidate out and glad Alma has 8.4 on the horizon too; also Pine64’s products, though I do wonder how tiny the keys are on that pictured keyboard?

    I’ve been enjoying Humble Bundles of late though haven’t really gone into the details of how it all works. I’m happy either way. For folks struggling financially they’re an excellent deal. I’ll be very happy to contribute more to developers and charities directly too, when able, of course.

    Best news for me, though, has to be Fedora 34. From feedback on our forum, sounds like it’s a real hit!

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